
A choice without risk is either a false choice or a choice not worth making.

Erik Bertrand Larssen – “Hell Week”

It occurred to me that I have never actually put anything on this web site about me. I guess because I figure that no one is really interested in who or what I am. Some people may be cautious about putting personal information on the Internet because of identify theft, etc. I’ve thought about that, but you know – if they want to get you they will get you no matter what.


Owner of SouthTech Network Solutions, LLC, which is a computer technology services company and also operates an independent podcast and Internet broadcasting network.  

I was the General Manager of Plant TiftNet, Inc. until July 18, 2012.  There’s a story behind my leaving the company and I’ll leave it at that.  

Plant TiftNet is a subsidiary of Plant Telecommunications.  Plant Telecommunications purchased the CityNet Broadband and Cable System from the City of Tifton in October 2009, a service that was started by the in 1999.  From 1999 to 2002, I was the Network Manager, then Superintendent and eventually General Manager starting in 2004.

Other Interests

Blogging, writing and podcasting!  Yes, with my recent career change, I’ve devoted much of my time to my writing.  With two published works under my belt, I’m working on my third and hopefully many more to come!


Published Podcasting:  Year One, which chronicles my first year of experiences in podcasting.
Published Fifty and Furious:  Wading Through Hell, which is my first fictional novel.


Sept 27, 2012:  I started a Kickstarter project to help fund my first fictional/fantasy novel.  Your support is greatly appreciated!  http://www.donovanadkisson.com/kickstarter

Note – Unfortunately the Kickstarter wasn’t funded, but it was fun to try!

The History of Me

1970:  I entered the world; the ground shook.

1977:  Graduated Elementary School; why the hell was there a graduation ceremony from Elementary School?

1984:  Moved into the penthouse – actually a double-wide mobile home, but it was an upgrade!

1985:  Passed written exam for learner’s permit; alerts went out to motorists in the area

1986:  Passed the driving test for license to drive; most motorists stayed safely at home that day

1988:  Governmental indoctrination was completed and certificate was awarded!

1989:  Got hitched (that would be married for non-southern folk)

1989:  Got unhitched (that would be divorced for non-southern folk)

1989:  Drank and partied too much (who doesn’t, right?)

1990:  Got hitched again (again, that would be married for non-southern folk)

1992:  Nervous wreck; first child was born

1994:  Nervous wreck; second child was born

1997:  Wife nervous wreck; third child was born; took up playing with plastic toys

1999:  Became a government operative (as in, went to work for a municipal city government that was forming a cable and broadband company)

2001:  Took one for the Gipper (as in Vasectomy)

2004:  Became a senior government operative (as in, took the top reigns of the department I was working in)

2009:  Traded to the opposing team (as in, the government did a deal and got rid of all of us to the competition)

2011:  Thought it would be kewl to become an Internet sensation; quickly realized I wasn’t an Internet sensation

2012:  Became a free agent (not of my own free will, mind you)

2013:   Took up playing with plastic toys, again (as in, extruding plastic pellets into things that people buy)

2013:  Started Podcast Samurai website (because, well, I don’t have enough websites to work on as it is – this one, that one, another one and possibly more) (2015 note – yeah, didn’t go anywhere with this and I let the domain lapse)

2014:  Wrote this section because, honestly, I saw someone else do it and I thought it was awesome.  Mine’s not probably as awesome, but it’s awesome to me and that’s all that matters

2015:  Became a free agent (again, not of my own free will), so I launched my IT Consulting business (Know The Nerds) which is part of Adkisson Enterprises LLC

2016:  Renamed the company SouthTech Network Solutions, LLC to better describe the focus of the company.  Launched The Donovan Radio Show.

2017:  Changed the name of The Donovan Radio Show to Don Talk.

2019:  Decided to take a break from podcasting (shut down Don Talk, Rogue Sphere Studios, etc.)….and then started DDP (Donovan Does a Podcast)

2020:  Started The General Purpose Podcast Network (GPPN) along with a relaunch of the tech podcast, SouthGeek News

2021:  Shut it all down (and in all I mean I shut down GPPN, DDP, and SouthGeek News).  I’m trying to simplify my life and none of these things really brought me joy, so they had to go.  Again.  

Thanks for stopping by!