Call Me Donovan CMD Podcast The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything

The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything

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I gave you an update in the last episode about our elder cat, Tashi, being carried to the vet because he was having bowel issues. They kept him overnight because the x-ray showed he was backed up, impacted, to the point that it was affecting his other organs.

Around 8am this morning (7/23/24) we got the call — he didn’t make it through the night. That was a tough pill to swallow. Yes, we knew he was old – 15 years. Yes, we knew he was living on borrowed time. Yes, we knew that the vet was attempting to do was a longshot, especially since they had already diagnosed him previously with kidney disease.

None of that makes this any easier, especially for my wife and daughter. I may be stoic from time to time, but fuck it, this is hard for me as well.

Though I don’t drink anymore, let’s pour one out for Tashi. Thanks, bud, for being such a cool cat.

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