Call Me Donovan Video Journals My Cat Brought Me an Offering

My Cat Brought Me an Offering

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I was in my office this morning (as I am most mornings) and I needed to go in the house to refill my water.  As I exited my office door, one of our cats, Ebon (which I’m pretty sure he’s claimed me as his human) was right there…with an offering.  He had, in his mouth, the lower half of a squirrel.  When I walked back to my office, I found he had placed the offering right at my door.  I shot a little video of him and his prize.  At the end of the video, UPS pulled up and Ebon was a bit cautious.  While I was fetching the package from the UPS driver, Ebon took his catch and headed over the fence and into the back yard.  I guess he wanted to make sure that big brown monster on the road didn’t get his kill.  Later on, however, he brought it back to my office door.

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